May 2d, 2017 – UCL Knowledge Lab, 23 – 29 Emerald St, London, WC1N 3QS
DARE and e-Mel invite you to an afternoon of presentations and discussions about media literacy in the UK and Europe, which is particularly relevant in the present cirucmstances. Speakers from a range of contexts will present their most recent research and discuss policy and pedagogy around media literacy. Andrew Burn will first introduce the afternoon by reflecting on the work of DARE over the past 5 years. The event will close with 2 book launches by DARE members and associates, followed by drinks and refreshments.
13:30 DARE retrospective – where we’ve been and where we are now – Prof Andrew Burn
14:00 e-MEL: introducing the e-Media Education Lab followed by a discussion of media literacy and teacher education in Europe and the UK. This will be led by partners in the project, including John Potter from UCL Knowledge Lab/DARE and Patrick Verniers from
Institut des hautes études des communications sociales (IHECS) in Brussels, and others tbc.
15:00 Break
15:15 Media Literacy in Europe and in the UK – Following on from the presentation about e-MEL, Prof Julian McDougall, director of Bournemouth University’s Centre for Excellence in Media Practice (CEMP), will reflect on the state of play of Media Literacy in Europe and the UK, based on extensive research in the field for an EU COST action and other projects. There will be time to discuss issues arising from the current context…
16:15 Break
16:30 DARE Book launches:
Potter, J., & McDougall, J. (2017). Digital Media, Education and Culture: Theorising Third Space Literacies. London: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer.
Himonides, E & King, A. (2017). The Routledge Companion to Music, Technology & Education. London. Abingdon: Routledge.
17:30 Drinks & refreshments
18.30 Close
This event is organized by: UCL Knowledge Lab, John Potter and Prof Andew Burns